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Tax accounting and consulting

For everyone operating in Sweden it is important to comprehend the country's tax structure. Sweden is known as the welfare state because of its tax system, which is designed to strike a compromise between justice and progressivity and the need for money to pay for public services.  However, the tax structure is extremely complicated and hard to comprehend. We provide professional assistance in navigating the intricacies of Swedish tax laws. We offer support in a number of areas related to planning, optimisation, and tax compliance.

Why choose us?

  • Our skilled tax specialists have extensive expertise in the nuances of the Swedish tax system. We are well-versed in the Swedish tax system, which includes corporate income tax, VAT (moms), and social security payments. We help with VAT registration and management of Value Added Tax (VAT) compliance, including timely and accurate reporting. It is crucial to note that capital gains are taxed in Sweden. The capital gains tax rate is normally lower than the income tax rate, and it is frequently examined and adjusted. Furthermore, Sweden has a progressive income tax system, which means that those with higher salaries pay a greater percentage of their income in taxes. Contributions to social security are included in the overall tax burden. They contribute to the Swedish social security system, which offers benefits like as healthcare, pensions, unemployment insurance, maternity leave, and disability insurance. Employers and employees both contribute to social security.

  • Our tax consultants can guide you through cross-border transactions, transfer pricing, and other complexities of the international tax landscape. As we operate next to Sweden also in Estonia, Finland and Latvia we can offer to our clients integrated approach seasoned with in-depth practical knowledge.

  • Our careful attention to detail guarantees that your company complies with all Swedish tax requirements, providing you peace of mind as well as minimising risk. If you do a business in Sweden, you must submit financial and tax statements to Skatteverket, the Swedish Tax Agency. All financial statements must adhere to Swedish Tax Procedure Act (Skatteförfarandelagen), the Income Tax Act (Inkomstskattelagen), the Value Added Tax Act (Mervärdesskattelagen), and other related statutes.

  • Our consultants specialise in understanding the particular tax issues of diverse industries, delivering personalised solutions that correspond with the problems and possibilities of your company. We work with you to ensure your business prospers in the changing Swedish tax landscape by providing continuous assistance for audits, tax liabilities, and crucial financial choices.

Providing tax consultancy services in Sweden requires a blend of cultural sensitivity, technical know-how, and a dedication to remaining current with changes in the law. Our consultants offer you valuable help in navigating the Swedish tax landscape by attending to these particular factors.

Contact us

  • Write us about your wishes or the problem you are looking for a solution to.
  • In most cases, our consultant will contact you to ask some clarifying questions or invite you to a meeting.
  • After receiving the necessary information, we will prepare a non-binding offer for you, which we will send by e-mail.

Accounting services in Sweden

Our accounting services for businesses in Sweden encompass several specialties to address the unique financial and regulatory landscape of the country. Our team of committed experts ensures exact correctness and compliance by bringing knowledge of regional tax legislation and accounting standards.

Why choose us?

  • We provide accurate accounting services since we are aware of the subtleties of regional laws. Our thorough understanding of Swedish GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) enables us to guarantee adherence to regional accounting requirements.

  • Navigate the complexities of the Swedish tax system seamlessly. We have a deep understanding of the Swedish tax system, including corporate income tax, VAT (moms), and social security contributions. We assist with VAT registration as well as administration of Value Added Tax (VAT) compliance, including timely and correct reporting. It is important to point out that capital gains in Sweden are subject to taxation. The capital gains tax rate is typically lower than the income tax rate and it is reviewed and changed quite often. Also, Sweden employs a progressive income tax system, meaning that individuals with higher incomes pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes.

  • Understanding Swedish corporate culture and language is beneficial. Our accounting team speaks Swedish fluently and is familiar with the subtleties of both business and society conventions in the Swedish context.

  • Our strength is accurate and compliant payroll processing, considering Swedish labor laws and regulations. We provide assistance with employee salary calculations, tax withholdings, and social security contributions.

  • Our accountants calculate and manage numerous social security contributions. The Swedish social security system is comprehensive and designed to provide a safety net for residents. It covers various aspects of social welfare, including healthcare, pensions, unemployment benefits, parental leave, sickness benefits, and more.

  • We specialize in providing comprehensive assistance to businesses seeking to understand and effectively engage with the Swedish trade union landscape as it plays a crucial role in the country's labor market, advocating for workers' rights, negotiating employment conditions, and contributing to a cooperative industrial relations model. Many commercial areas are inaccessible without agreements with labour unions.

  • We guarantee cross-border activities run smoothly and in compliance. Cross-border transactions are a regular task for our accountants. Speaking Swedish, Estonian, and also Russian with ease, we offer assistance and transparent communication to ensure a straightforward working relationship.

  • You may entrust us with your monthly and annual reporting responsibilities for Swedish businesses. Financial reporting in Sweden is governed by the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) created by the Swedish Accounting Standards Board (BFN). The reporting requirements are in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for bigger corporations and the Swedish Annual Accounts Act for smaller enterprises.

Please contact us for a consultation. Allow us to use our knowledge and experience to help your firm succeed in the Swedish market.

Contact us

  • Write us about your wishes or the problem you are looking for a solution to.
  • In most cases, our consultant will contact you to ask some clarifying questions or invite you to a meeting.
  • After receiving the necessary information, we will prepare a non-binding offer for you, which we will send by e-mail.

Legal consultation in Sweden

In Sweden, the success of your business depends on having a strong legal base. Our team of skilled legal experts offers perceptive advice tailored to the specifics of the Swedish legal system.

Why choose us?

  • Protecting your business interests with comprehensive legal assistance, our team handles everything from company formation to day-to-day operations, contracts, and regulatory compliance. Our area of expertise lies in offering all-inclusive services that assist you at every stage of the company formation procedure, guaranteeing a strong foundation for your business success. In addition to guaranteeing conformity with Swedish law both during the formation procedure and afterwards, our specialists in Sweden offer contract drafting, evaluation, and advice to ensure legal clarity and safeguard your company's interests.

  • We offer advice on Swedish employment laws, helping you establish fair and compliant employment practices. Use our guidance to handle Swedish labour legislation with confidence. We provide qualified advice on labour contracts and, dismissal policies. You can maintain compliance with collective bargaining agreements and other rules with the aid of our advisors.

  • Our team offers legal support for business transactions, mergers, and acquisitions. Assuring a smooth process that complies with Swedish legal standards, our legal professionals help you navigate the difficulties of mergers and acquisitions. We ensure legal compliance, negotiate contracts, and perform due diligence.

  • Our legal consultants are available to successfully defend the interests of your company in the event of a dispute. To secure the best result for your company, our legal specialists offer strategic guidance on dispute resolution through negotiation, mediation, or litigation.

For a consultation, get in touch with us, and let our legal services be the foundation of your company's success in the thriving Swedish business scene.

Contact us

  • Write us about your wishes or the problem you are looking for a solution to.
  • In most cases, our consultant will contact you to ask some clarifying questions or invite you to a meeting.
  • After receiving the necessary information, we will prepare a non-binding offer for you, which we will send by e-mail.

Establishment of companies (including applying for permits, registrations)

Our expertise lies in offering all-inclusive services that assist you at every stage of the company formation procedure in Sweden, guaranteeing a solid groundwork for the long-term success of your enterprise.

Why choose us?

  • To speed up your company establishment procedure, we offer in-depth understanding of Swedish business laws, rules, and cultural quirks. Sweden allows a wide range of company forms, of the which the most common are sole proprietorship (enskild firma), limited liability company (aktiebolag or AB), and branch office. Selecting the appropriate structure depends upon ownership, taxation, and obligation. Due to Sweden's extensive tax structure, it is essential to comprehend the tax ramifications of starting a business. Some licences or permits can be necessary, depending on the type of business. A seamless establishment procedure depends on knowing the regulatory landscape and securing the required permissions.

Here's a general outline of our company establishment services in Sweden:

  • Initial meeting to discuss the objectives and demands of your company

  • Assistance in choosing the most suitable business structure (e.g., AB, sole proprietorship, branch office)

  • Assistance with the reservation of a distinctive and compliant business name

  • Drafting and submitting the required legal paperwork, such as a limited liability company's articles of association

  • Managing the registration procedure with the Bolagsverket, the Swedish Companies Registration Office

  • Support in acquiring an Organizationsnummer (company identity number)

  • Help registering your business with the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) in order to pay taxes

  • Advice on registering for VAT, if applicable, given the nature of your business

  • Facilitation of the Swedish business bank account opening procedure

  • Ensuring that all establishment procedures adhere to Swedish laws and regulations

  • Continuous assistance with annual reporting, compliance issues, and other post-establishment responsibilities

  • Advice on employment-related matters, such as contracts and insurance for the workplace. Sweden has a unique system of centralized wage formation known as the Swedish Model. The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) and the Swedish Confederation of Employers (Svenskt Näringsliv) play central roles in negotiating overarching wage agreements that serve as frameworks for sector-specific negotiations.

  • Assistance in obtaining an A-skatt and completing all requirements so that workers can begin working in Sweden

  • Comprehensive assistance with collective bargaining agreements in Sweden. Understanding and navigating the collective bargaining agreement system is essential for businesses operating in Sweden as it plays a crucial role in shaping labor relations and working conditions in the market, especially in construction field.


By using a company setup service, you can guarantee that your business is set up in accordance with Swedish legislation, save a great deal of time, and quicken the process. Get in touch with us and take advantage of the assistance of a service provider who has expertise and a thorough understanding of the Swedish business landscape.

Contact us

  • Write us about your wishes or the problem you are looking for a solution to.
  • In most cases, our consultant will contact you to ask some clarifying questions or invite you to a meeting.
  • After receiving the necessary information, we will prepare a non-binding offer for you, which we will send by e-mail.

Payroll services in Sweden

We specialise in navigating the complexity of Swedish payroll regulations. Rely on our team of specialists to make sure your payroll complies with the most recent laws, protecting your company from risks and ensuring security.

Why choose us?

  • Our understanding of Swedish tax and payroll legislation is thorough. Sweden's tax system is complex, with many forms of taxes such as income tax, social security payments, and other deductions. Payroll processing is strongly reliant on accurate deductions and compliance with social security contributions, and these details must be correctly handled too.

  • We ensure that your company follows necessary collective bargaining agreements, protecting you from legal disputes and creating a peaceful employer-employee relationship. Collective bargaining agreements govern numerous business sectors in Sweden, and they have an effect on payroll procedures. These agreements specify a number of parameters involving salary, benefits, and working conditions that the payroll system has appropriately fallow.

  • With deep understanding of Estonian and Swedish payroll systems, we provide efficient payroll processes in both countries while adhering to local rules. We administer payrolls for workers in both Estonia and Sweden, delivering a consistent, dependable, and compliant payroll experience.

  • We deliver fast and error-free payroll services, ensuring that your business receives dependable and consistent assistance. In Sweden, wage reporting laws are thorough. Employers are obligated to submit employee earnings to authorities, guaranteeing financial openness and accuracy.

  • Reduce expenses without sacrificing quality. Our affordable prices guarantee that you will obtain excellent payroll services that fit your needs, freeing up funds for other important uses.


Our service assures seamless and trouble-free payroll processing, enabling you to concentrate on what really matters: developing your business. Contact us to learn more about how our payroll solutions may improve your business in Sweden and pave the road for long-term success.

Contact us

  • Write us about your wishes or the problem you are looking for a solution to.
  • In most cases, our consultant will contact you to ask some clarifying questions or invite you to a meeting.
  • After receiving the necessary information, we will prepare a non-binding offer for you, which we will send by e-mail.

Financial counselling

We understand that financial stability is essential for a successful business. We offer personalised counsel and knowledge to assist you in navigating Sweden's financial system. Enhance your financial journey with our specialised counselling services designed for Swedish enterprises.

Why choose us?

  • We provide extensive financial assessments to analyse your organisations' current health and develop realistic strategies to support long-term growth. Our experts work with you to discover areas of financial strength and areas that need to be strengthened. Financial strategies are developed in accordance with your company's objectives and the constantly evolving Swedish market, but has clearly established traditions.

  • We provide guidance on optimising tax strategies based on Swedish tax legislation. Our tax consultants provide specialised tax optimisation methods to ensure your company maximises profits while remaining compliant with Swedish tax legislation. We offer insights ensuring you benefit from available deductions and credits.

  • Our services include cash flow management, debt reduction, and debt management. Using our specialised debt management solutions to optimise your financial structure yields long-term results. We counsel businesses on effective debt reduction strategies to maintain long-term financial stability. Our experts advise on effective cash flow management, helping your organisation to handle economic fluctuations with ease.

  • We offer customised risk-reduction plans, so your company is ready for any unexpected obstacles in the Swedish business environment. We provide specific risk-reduction strategies to ensure your business is stable. Our advice includes suggestions for operational enhancements, cost-cutting techniques, and improved financial procedures.

Use our financial knowledge to grow your company. Get in touch with us for a consultation, and allow our specialised services to be the key to the financial success of your company in Sweden.

Contact us

  • Write us about your wishes or the problem you are looking for a solution to.
  • In most cases, our consultant will contact you to ask some clarifying questions or invite you to a meeting.
  • After receiving the necessary information, we will prepare a non-binding offer for you, which we will send by e-mail.

Business consultation in Sweden

Any organization's path to success in business is different. In order to ensure sustainable growth, our experienced counsellors collaborate with you to create effective business strategies that are in line with the changing Swedish market and your goals. Enhance your company's performance with our customised business advisory services designed for businesses operating in Sweden.

Why choose us?

  • Benefit from our strategic planning services, which are customised to your company's goals and the particular difficulties presented by the Swedish business environment. We help companies define and carry out successful business strategies, spot chances for expansion, and handle possible obstacles. Allow our experts to assist you in optimising your operations for long-term commercial success by lowering expenses and boosting efficiency.

  • We offer advice on how companies can enter the Swedish market in the most efficient and calculated manner. To protect your business interests, our team offers comprehensive business advice covering everything from company formation to day-to-day operations, contracts, and regulatory compliance. We can ensure that the business advise we offer is tailored to the particular opportunities and issues your firm may encounter because of the years of expertise our specialists have.

  • Gain clarity on your financial situation. Our experience lies in financial analysis, budgeting, and financial strategy design to ensure long-term sustainability and improve financial performance. We offer valuable information about the financial condition of your company, highlighting both its advantages and disadvantages.

  • We help businesses establish strategic alliances, partnerships, and industry contacts in order to enhance cooperation and expansion prospects in Sweden. Building trust is fundamental in Swedish business culture. Swedes value reliability, consistency, and the ability to deliver on promises. Building lasting partnerships is seen as beneficial for mutual success and is a reflection of the emphasis on trust and reliability.


Utilise our experience to strengthen your company. Get in touch with us for a consultation, and allow our specialised services to act as the driving force behind your company's success in Sweden's diverse business environment.

Contact us

  • Write us about your wishes or the problem you are looking for a solution to.
  • In most cases, our consultant will contact you to ask some clarifying questions or invite you to a meeting.
  • After receiving the necessary information, we will prepare a non-binding offer for you, which we will send by e-mail.